Increase operational efficiency with a user-friendly digital banking software

You need a digital banking software that is user-friendly and accessible to enable your team to perform at a higher level. Oradian's system is designed to do just that.

As a leader of a financial institution, you need a digital banking software that is user-friendly and accessible to enable your team to perform at a higher level.

Usability and accessibility are determining factors in achieving operational efficiencies and growth.

When building our cloud-based core banking platform, Oradian’s team ensured it offers a highly intuitive user interface, optimised for your day-to-day operations. Put simply, Oradian’s interface helps users to work more efficiently. With Oradian, your team can significantly cut the time spent on manual processes and focus more on the core business such as serving clients and expanding your institution’s client base.

Among the user-friendly features of Oradian:

  • Keyboard shortcuts configuration
  • Automatic printing of transaction receipts   
  • Transaction confirmations sent by message  
  • Bulk actions module which allows the approval of an unlimited number of transactions with a single click  
  • Import of lists of transactions or create products based on existing ones.

Access to accurate real-time data about your operations and client base – from all branches  

From any device with Internet connection, Oradian offers you access to consolidated, real-time data from all branches – with one click and in one place. This means that you have access to accurate data to manage your business operations, know and control your portfolio and make better informed decisions. 

With access to real-time data, you know:   

  • How many clients you have  
  • Who your clients are and their demographics  
  • What your portfolio looks like to a high degree of detail  
  • How each loan is performing and how it is classified  
  • How each of your products and services are performing  

Superior usability and accessibility in low-bandwidth areas – and even offline

Oradian is designed to work with low Internet connection speeds enabling you to serve your clients and work efficiently under all circumstances.  In areas where an Internet connection is limited or not available, your team would then record all cash out transactions in an Excel file and can upload them in bulk once the connection is back.

Other key features are also available offline through Android field officer mobile app. Offline capabilities provide field officers with access to clients’ data they need to perform their work in the field, allowing your agent to:

  • Access a collection sheet for the day  
  • Collect repayments and deposits  
  • Record transactions  
  • View client profiles  
  • View client transaction history  
  • View client loan applications  
  • Edit existing client profiles  
  • Edit pending loan accounts  
  • Enter new loan applications  
  • Enter client application  
  • Enter deposit account application  
  • View client deposit account applications.

Reach more clients and serve them better 

Oradian helps you to streamline the process of adding new clients. Your team can create customised loan application and new members forms form a simple to use dashboard.

The forms can be printed or filled out directly on your device. Then, all the documents are stored on the new member’s profile – organised and accessible to all-in-one place. Any type of document such as photos, scanned documents, financial statements, and similar can be attached to a client’s profile and are accessible to the users with the appropriate access rights.

Visionary financial institutions are streamlining their processes with Oradian’s core banking system to know and control their portfolio.  Are you ready to reach more clients and grow?

Get in touch with one of our business intelligence experts for a free overview of the Oradian system.

Think bigger. Go further.

Come and see the future with us. Talk to one of our core banking experts.